By Debbie and Randy Coe

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Book Review of
The Ring Bit: History, Form & Function

By Donald Minzenmayer

This is the ideal book for the horse owner. To get a horse ready to ride, besides putting on a saddle, you need a bridle. The ring bit is one of the gentlest types to put in the horses mouth.

The history of the ring bit lists its existence as far back as early Christian era. A detailed history is given along with all the adaptations that have occurred during the years. There are 9 chapters that outline the use of this bit around the world: Early Days; History of the bridle bit; Ring Bit; Early Calvary Units; Europe, Africa and Asia after 1492; Spanish Colonial Period 1492 to 1820; 1820 to 1920; Modern Ring bits and Ring Bit Tidbits.

There are over 400 color and black & white photos that show off the exquisite designs of the bits. Some of them reveal examples of ornate art work. The designers of these bits used brass, copper, iron and silver in their creations.

The 8 ½” x 11” hardback book has a dust cover with 208 pages. In the back is a glossary of terms. Each photo has a caption describing the bit, where used and date. The book retails for $49.99

The Ring Bit: History, Form & Function




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