By Debbie and Randy Coe

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Canaan Valley on Cobalt
by Debbie and Randy Coe

Debuting in the 2004 Fenton Christmas supplement was a gorgeous decoration that celebrated the Canaan Valley of West Virginia. Robin Spindler created the winter scene of the snow capped valley set against a midnight sky. The design made the white decoration set on Cobalt glass quite distinctive. There is sparkling ice on the trees and woodlands. The cardinal, the state bird of West Virginia, is featured among the snow covered trees. He can be seen hopping on the snow covered ground foraging for food.

In the 2004 offering there were 5 items: #51639M fat bird; #54719M 4 ½” pitcher; #59379M 10” Paneled basket; #59909M 4 ½” ornament and a 7” bell #75669M. The bell was only item that was a limited edition. It was numbered and dated 2004.

For 2005, the offering was continued but with seven new items. These include: #11149M a 3 ½” ornament with a white ribbon hanger; #51979M 6” Happiness bird; #71089M Paneled 6” covered candy; #72419M 3 ½” vase; #80019M 11” hurricane lamp and a #96869M student lamp that is 21” tall. In addition there was a Showcase dealer exclusive, the #51099M 4 ½” polar bear. It was marked on the bottom with the signature of Tom Fenton and a 100th anniversary back stamp.

Another Canaan Valley collection was offered for the 2006 Christmas supplement. There were 6 new pieces. One of them, the Blue Jay, was a new mould that had been designed by Suzy Whitaker. The items for 2006 were: #48619M 7 ½” vase; #50419M 4” Blue Jay; #51609M 3 ½’ fawn; #59809M 5 ½” two piece fairy light; #63359M 10 ½” footed basket and #81039M petite pillar lamp that is 19 ½” tall.

This collection would make a gorgeous statement for your home. All of the Cobalt glass would look wonderful set on a white cloth and then have white sparkly snow to set it off. It would seem you could enjoy the Canaan Valley in your home even if you don’t live in West Virginia.




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Copyright 2004 © Debbie and Randy Coe